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As an experienced teacher for over two decades, I've taught in public, private, and online settings. I agree with Lewis Black that "Writing is thinking and thinking is hard work," but this work is oh-so necessary in a world full of fake news, sensational headlines, and information overload. I write my classes to offer students opportunities to read time-tested, thought-provoking, truly engaging literature, discuss the ideas there through the filter of an overtly Christian worldview, and then find the connections to themselves and their world in the pieces they write. The hallmark of my classes is extensive, personalized writing feedback to help each student grow to his or her best next level.


Outside of teaching classes, my husband Archie and I homeschool our four sons and do some homesteading on our mini-farm in Wake Forest.  When I do find a little downtime, I can be found enjoying a cup of tea and reading something by Jane Austen. (Doesn't every English teacher have to say that!)

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