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It's been a fantastic year of learning for both myself and my son, and I feel that his preparation for next year  has been just right.
--Beth B. (parent)

Feedback on assignments has motivated my daughter to strive to improve her writing.  Mrs. Massie seems to have the objectivity to identify weaknesses yet the tact to encourage improvement without the student feeling put down.  --Deb J. (parent)

 I really feel Emma’s writing has improved in wonderful ways, so I am deeply grateful. As well as growing in compositional skills, her appreciation and joy of classical literature has deepened, for which I will be eternally grateful. --Christina L (parent)

I am finally feeling not terrified to write.
--Caleb N (student)

Before, I thought that writing was hard and always would be hard but now I see that, with work, it can be easy and even a bit enjoyable. --Audrey R (student)

Thank you for teaching me, patiently walking me through all my papers and work, and answering my millions of questions. You are the best teacher I have ever had, and I won't soon forget all the things I've learned in your classes. --Olivia B (student)

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